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Soft 99 / Soft99 - Glaco Glass Compound Sheet ( 6 sheets ) Cleans Off Oil-Film Only by Wiping

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RM 19.90
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RM 19.90
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Soft 99 / Soft99 - Glaco Glass Compound Sheet ( 6 sheets ) Cleans Off Oil-Film Only by Wiping Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
This abrasive compound, which is used to polish optical lenses, can remove oil film and old dirt coating without damaging the glass surface.

It doesn't leave oil film or dirt after wiping, so we recommend using this before applying any sort of glass coating.

Are ideal for preparation for putting water repellents of the Glaco series.

Material: Nonwoven fiber, abrasive material, the material promoting washing off.

Method of application:

1. Wash glass and wipe dry.
2. Remove a sheet from the package.
3. Put a sheet and process a surface, without making efforts.
4. In process of pollution and drying of a sheet, change the parties.
5. Rub a surface until liquid doesn't cease to make a start from it.
6. The white raid which remained after processing, carefully erase a pure dry towel or wash out water.

Precautionary measures:

- Use only for designated purpose.
- Protect from children.
- Not to apply to plastic glasses, and also to the internal surface of glass.
- If liquid gets on other surfaces, than glass, immediately wash away it water.
- Don't apply means on heated glass or in very hot weather.
- Don't leave means on a surface for long time.
- Don't store under direct sunshine, in places with high or low temperature.
- After use you hold packaging densely closed.


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